

A Workshop for Creating a Social System for Promotion of Local Measures against Global Warming
Creation of a Sustainable Society in China, Japan and Korea

Not all reports are available in English ---Japanese full version here

Saturday, February 21, 2004 13:00-17:50

Welcome remarks by the hosts

Keynote Lecture
Mr. Tetsuo Nakamura, Town Mayor of Kuzumaki
(Challenge of Kuzumaki producing milk, wine and clean energy)

Session 1
Sub-theme: A Social System to Encourage Participation by Local Residents ? -Local Governmentsf Approach

Mr. Fu Xiaofeng / Information Section, The Administrative Center for China Agenda 21
(Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Use in China)

Mr. SHIN, Yangwoo / Dept. of Economy and Commerce, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Korea
(Construction of gSolar City, Gwangjuh ? Outline of the Plan, Achievements to Date and Future Agenda)

Ms. Yukiko Hamatani / Department of Environment, Mie Prefectural Government
(Energy Conservation for Increasing Local Energy Availability ? eSummer Eco-Pointf System, an electricity saving for preventing global warming)

Mr. Yoshitaka Endo / Policy Promotion Unit, Yasu Town, Shiga Prefecture
(Creation of Green Local Economy ? approach towards widespread use of natural energy and activation of local communities through local currency)

Q&A, discussion

Coordinator: Shuichi Miura, Assoc.Prof., Tohoku University for Art and Technology

Sunday, February 22, 2004 9:00-16:00

Session 2
Sub-theme: Local Action for Preventing Global Warming ? Approach of NGO/NPO

Mr. Chen Qing / South-North Institute for Sustainable Development
(Driving-Force for Making Efforts in Sustainable Development)

Mr. YEOM Kwanghee / Center for Energy Alternative, Korean Federation of Environmental Movements (KFEM)
(Energy Crisis and Climate Change in Korea ? Civil Power Plant as a Solution

Mr. Osamu Nakamura / Local Cycle Research Center (Assoc.Prof., Nagasaki University)
(Energy Conservation Classes to Change Local Communities)

Mr. Motohiro Yamazaki / Edogawa Citizensf Network to Address Global Warming
(Energy Shift from Local Communities ? Citizensf Green Energy Certificate and Replacement of Household Electrics with Energy-Conservation Type)

Q&A, discussion

Coordinator: Shuichi Miura. Assoc.Prof.,Tohoku University for Art and Technology

Workshop & Discussion
Theme: A Social System in Local Society for Promoting Citizensf Participation in China, Japan and Korea

Mr. Toshiaki Kobayashi / Department of Water Work and Environment, Iida City
(10% reduction of Greenhouse Gas through Introduction of Natural Energy)

Mr. Nobuo Yoshinari / Research Center for Children and Environment in Iwate
(Making Connections, and Having Fun ? School of Forest and Wind)

Final discussion, and wrap-up